About Me

Louise Dawkins
I’m Louise Dawkins, I am a registered nurse and have specialised within the field of Sexual Health for the last 15 years. In that time I have noticed that a lot of counselling services for specialist sexual health issues are no longer available.
I became interested in Hypnotherapy after receiving some sessions myself that totally transformed my life, even leading me to fulfil my dream of running the London Marathon (when previously I couldn’t run for a bus!)
I began to research ways in which I could help people with ongoing sexual difficulties and felt that Hypnosis alongside my previous experience would be a fantastic medium to enable me to do this. As well as being a Registered Hypnotherapist affiliated with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council I have also specialised in the field of Psychosexual Hypnotherapy. I love the fact that Hypnotherapy can bring about such rapid and permanent changes to people’s lives, by using a client centred holistic, non-judgemental approach, focussing on the clients future not their past whilst allowing if required previous fears or anxieties to be overcome in a safe, relaxed and calming manner.
Hynotherapy can help with so many issues: weight loss, stress, anxiety and pain to name but a few. Maybe you have concerns about your love life? Erectile dysfunction, vaginal discomfort (vaginismus), trauma following Sexual Assault and numerous other related issues including body dysphoria could be resolved with hypnotherapy.
Contact me today for a FREE Consultation, we can discuss what Hypnotherapy is and how it could change your future, enabling you to have the life and happiness you desire.